

Love Has No Boundaries - Africa Orphans Goodwill Mission 2014

University of Texas in Dallas, Alexander Clark Center
July 31, 2014 , 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Ticket: Eventbrite Key word "ACC" , or click here:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
On behalf of the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women-North Texas Chapter, I invite you to attend an upcoming charity event - the 2014 African Orphans Goodwill Mission presented by Amitofo Care Center (ACC) from Africa. The ACC is a registered non-governmental/non-profit international organization, devoted to care and educate the orphans in Africa. ACC is currently operating three orphanages and caring for close to 2000 orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa, an extreme poverty area in the world.
The attached “ACC sponsorship letter” describes ACC’s background, purpose, vision, details of the Goodwill Mission event, and sponsorship levels. These ACC Children came 9000 miles from Africa will be performing on Friday, July 31st, 7PM at the Clark Center, University of Texas - Dallas. (Address and directions : http://www.utdallas.edu/directions/alexander-clark-center/ ).
Below are two Youtube video links with brief information of the ACC. Please take a moment to watch them. You will be deeply touched!

– Introduction of ACC (5 minutes)

Reported by BBC News (2 minutes)

Your generosity will make a world of difference in helping these children dare to dream and become productive members in their communities. Thank you!

Sincerely Yours,
Judy Li
Judi Li, President
Global Federation of Chinese Business Women-North Texas


愛心無阈界-ACC 孤兒感恩之旅和文化教育慈善交流


今年的七月份,世界華人工商婦女企管恊會(世華)北德州分會,承接了由非洲阿彌陀佛關懷中心(ACC)遠道而來的孤兒感恩之旅和文化教育慈善交流。 ACC是由來自自台灣,有非洲和尚之稱的慧理法師創立,致力於 撫育教養非洲需要幫助的孤兒,目前在馬拉威、賴索托、史瓦濟蘭建立孤兒院及圓通小學,收容了近千名孩子,認養了千名部落孤兒。此次感恩之旅將跨越四大洲,足遍三十個城巿。除了對過去支持ACC孤兒的助養人士表示感謝之外,也希望將 ACC的成果及理念承獻給更多的善心人士,得到更多為這些生下就貧病交迫,沒有希望和機會的孤兒們點亮一盞希望之燈。

本分會特別安排慧禮法師和ACC 院童們,於七月三十日晚間七時,在華人活動中心和僑胞們互動交流。院童們也在七月三十一日晚間七點到九點在德州大學達拉斯分校(UTD) Clark Center 擧行公演。期望僑界朋友能 踴躍支持ACC 此次慈善交流活動。

以下兩個YouTube Video links 簡單的介紹了 ACC 敬請抽空觀看。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKyG-WEXvyM – Introduction of ACC(5 minutes)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4efKL4fIzEA&feature=youtu.beReported by BCC News (2 minutes)


柯月華 會長敬上